What you should know about the “walk-and-turn” field sobriety test


Not everyone is able to walk in a perfectly straight line, but this is part of a field sobriety test. If you are pulled over in Georgia due to suspicion that you are driving under the influence, an officer may ask you to complete the walk-and-turn test to determine your physical state.

What the Walk-and-Turn Test Entails

The walk-and-turn test is a standardized test in which an officer asks the person to walk in a straight line (heel to toe), pivot, and then do this in the other direction. The officer will conduct this test in order to find out if they have probable cause to arrest you on account of drunk driving. First, they will have you stand heel to toe with your arms to your sides as they tell you how to do the test, then demonstrate it.

You also will be expected to look at your feet and count out loud as you take each step. The officer will watch you to see if you have difficulty balancing, step off the line, don’t take the correct number of steps, and stop while you’re walking, among other clues that you may have a blood alcohol content (BAC) level that is above the legal limit.

Low Accuracy With the Walk-and-Turn Test

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that the walk-and-turn test is only 66 percent accurate if officials administer the test according to proper guidelines. This is why it’s possible to question the accuracy if you receive a DUI charge. You may be able to challenge the results.

Challenging DUI Charges After Walk-and-Turn Field Sobriety Tests

If you are charged with a DUI after you’ve taken a walk-and-turn-test and you believe the results are inaccurate, you can present your case and possibly have the charge overturned. Compelling evidence that the test is inaccurate can contribute to a successful outcome with your case.