A DUI arrest may have a troubling effect on a Georgia resident’s career. That said, there are possible ways to defend against the charges.
A DUI’s Effect on People’s Careers and Lives
A DUI conviction could lead to a permanent criminal record. The conviction may turn up when a third party conducts a background check. People could make decisions about hiring someone based on those results, whether fair or legal.
Even when a job applicant’s duties do not involve driving, the conviction may dissuade employers from hiring a convicted drunk driver. Prospective employers might believe the person represents a liability risk that could get them into trouble. The would-be employers may assume the person could show up at work intoxicated and cause harm to themselves or others. People may believe this even if years pass and there are no subsequent arrests after a drunk driving conviction.
Career prospects might close for those interested in a job that involves driving, including side job ride share or food delivery gigs. The loss of a regular stream of side income could cause economic hardships for those relying on it.
Persons working as full-time commercial drivers may suffer the most after a driving under the influence conviction. A clean record might be a mandatory requirement for their job. A DUI conviction could end a tractor-trailer or package delivery driver’s career.
Dealing with the Charges
Anyone arrested for a DUI will have a day in court and the chance to present a defense. Not all DUI arrests are fair, as the police could make mistakes. If a police officer does not conduct a field sobriety test correctly or a breathalyzer is not properly calibrated, the case against the accused may fall apart.
Other issues may arise in court. Without the requisite reasonable suspicion, a DUI stop might be illegal. Hence, any evidence obtained during an unlawful stop could be inadmissible.